A 43 year old woman is suing a Consultant Neurophysiologist for a severely brain damaged daughter who was born 6 years ago. Flynn Sarler was being treated by Dr Smith at a private clinic in UK for Epilepsy. Mrs Sarler had suffered from epilepsy from the age of 15. She was being treated by Dr Smith with Epilium (Sodium Valproate) from 1994 to 2006.
Mrs Sarler continued with the drug as she was told that there was “no realistic alternative”. She was seen again in 2009 when she was already 6 weeks pregnant. At that time it is claimed, that there was minimal information about foetal development risks linked to epilepsy medication and hence the drug was continued. When the baby was two she was diagnosed with “Foetal Valproate Syndrome”. It was explained to Mrs Sarler at that time that the child was neurologically affected and would need extensive care through out her life. The doctor is now being sued for multimillion pound damages as she failed to warn Mrs Sarler the possible neurological effects of her medication. The hearing continues.
(I have posted an article about Sodium Valproate Syndrome in the Forum under Paediatrics)