Home Forums Other Specialities Gastroenterology Intestinal metaplasia, gastric cancer.,Dietary Supplements

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      Study links intestinal metaplasia to risk of gastric cancer

      Intestinal metaplasia of the stomach may raise the risk of gastric cancer by 11 times, with the median time to development of cancer at four years, researchers reported at the ACG Annual Scientific Meeting. Researcher Dr. Andrew Wang of the University of Virginia said the data suggest intestinal metaplasia screening guidelines might be needed, and he noted the lifetime risk of stomach cancer among IM patients may be higher than the risk of Barrett’s esophagus progressing to esophageal cance

      Study links adolescent obesity to higher GI cancer risk later in life.

      Study data from more than 1 million men found the risk of GI cancer is higher among those who were obese as adolescents, possibly due to acid reflux exposure, Israeli researchers reported. The study also linked low educational level and family socioeconomic status to a higher risk of developing gastric cancer as an adult.

      Study: Liver damage linked to supplement use increasing.

      Cases of drug-related liver damage linked to use of dietary and herbal supplements grew from 7% to 20% from 2004 through 2012, while the rate of hepatotoxicity from any type of drug use more than doubled, according to a study from Einstein Healthcare Network in Philadelphia. Dr. Donna Seger of the Tennessee Poison Center blamed the fact that dietary and herbal supplements are not regulated by the FDA.

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