Home Forums Other Specialities Gastroenterology GALL BLADDER REMOVAL WITH OR WITHOUT BILE DUCT IMAGING.

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      Gallbladder removal with or without bile duct imaging.

      August 28, 2013, Vol 310, No. 8 >

      Association Between Cholecystectomy With vs Without Intraoperative Cholangiography and Risk of Common Duct Injury .

      Kristin M. Sheffield , PhD1; Taylor S. Riall, MD, PhD1; Yimei Han, MS1; Yong-Fang Kuo, PhD2; Courtney M. Townsend Jr, MD1; James S. Goodwin, MD2
      [+] Author Affiliations
      JAMA. 2013;310(8):812-820.

      A retrospective cohort study of US data raises caution about interpreting the benefits of using bile duct imaging during gallbladder removal.


      Of 92?932 patients undergoing cholecystectomy, 37?533 (40.4%) underwent concurrent intraoperative cholangiography and 280 (0.30%) had a common duct injury. The common duct injury rate was 0.21% among patients with intraoperative cholangiography and 0.36% among patients without it.

      In a logistic regression model controlling for patient, surgeon, and hospital characteristics, the

      odds of common duct injury for cholecystectomies performed without intraoperative cholangiography were increased compared with those performed with it (OR,?1.79 [95% CI, 1.35-2.36]; P?

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