Home Forums Other Specialities Endocrinology DIABETIC AMYOTROPHY- Basics.

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      What is Diabetic Amyotrophy?

      Diabetic amyotrophy,also known as proximal diabetic neuropathy, diabetic lumbosacral radiculoplexus neuropathy, and diabetic polyradiculoneuropathy, occurs in patients with diabetes (more likely in those with type II than type I).

      It usually involves weakness followed by wasting of muscles, and excruciating pain in the muscles of the thigh, hip, and buttocks.
      The typical symptoms are fairly sudden onset and usually occur on one side of the body but may involve both sides. The weakness sometimes involves in thigh and leg, so patients have difficulty getting out of chairs and often require a cane or crutches.

      Who gets Diabetic Amyotrophy?
      Older men are more likely to acquire diabetic amyotrophy, although it may occur in youth. Approximately 1% of those adults with diabetes will obtain this condition.

      How is Diabetic Amyotrophy diagnosed?
      Electrodiagnostic testing can be useful to definitively diagnose this condition.
      Nerve conduction studies and needle electromyography are often necessary to diagnose this condition and rule out other problems.

      How is Diabetic Amyotrophy treated?
      This condition frequently will improve with time and the body will heal itself. Physical therapy and strict observation of blood glucose levels are recommended to help diabetic amyotrophy. Medications may help with the pain.

      G Mohan.

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